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4th Year

Syllabus for the subject added as an attachment. Please refer to it.

Seminars and lectures will will be held by dr Kowalski in the room 4.7 in the University Centre of Dentistry, Binieckiego 6 Street. Seminars will end with the colloqium from Oral Medicine

Person responsible for the didactic process:

Jan Kowalski PhD DDS

Dept of the Periodontology and Oral Diseases, Head of the Dept: prof. Renata Górska PhD DDS

Contact:, room 3.6 of UCS (University Center of Dentistry, Binieckiego 6)

Time for students: mondays, 9.30-10.30

Student is obliged to be prepared for the seminars - basing on the literature. The activity and involvement are evaluated, and recorded in the student's evaluation chart. The final evaluation takes place during the colloqium, which will be based on the knowledge provided during the course.

Student is obliged to be present at all seminars. Student should attend to the seminars on time. Being late more than 15 minutes is treated as an absence. The Department enables making up for absences only in the cases justified with the sick leave, stamped by the doctor and his/her clinic. Sick leave should be presented at the first classes after an absence.

Suggested literature:

"Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine" by Scully C, Elsevier, 3rd Edition


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